Загрузка Мероприятия

Európska konferencia v Uppsale

23. июля 2024 - 28. июля 2024

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Ak potrebujete radu ohľadom cestovania do Švédska, prekliknite sa na špeciálny článok, ktorý sme na to pripravili.


We are happy to welcome you to this year’s Europe Conference

In a world full of challenges such as growing gang crime, economic uncertainty, and war, we don’t believe that the church should hide or withdraw. On the contrary. Instead, we believe that as believers, we are called to go out with God’s love, without fear, to serve a world in desperate need of God. Hence the theme “FEARLESS” for this year’s Europe Conference.

We have the Spirit of God within us. The Holy Spirit is not a spirit of fear but gives us supernatural boldness. This boldness calls us out, to reach people in marginalized situations with God’s heart. It also compels us to step out of our own comfort zone with the knowledge that God is with us every day until the end of time. With that said, we hereby invite you to the EUROPE CONFERENCE 2024. A place where our longing and prayer are that you will experience God’s freedom, power, grace, and love in your life.

July 23-28 this summer are days when you’ll want to be in Uppsala at Word of Life. If you haven’t already marked it on your calendar, this is your sign! During these days, we are delighted to offer several hotel options at discounted rates, read more below!


  • https://hotellfyrislund.se/en/,
    • Fyrislundsgatan 81, within walking distance to Word of Life, Free parking
    • Phone: +46(0)18-108870, Email: info@hotellfyrislund.se, Web: www.hotellfyrislund.se
    • Booking via the website, use promotional code: BD2CBD8F563110E02255. When booking by phone or email, please mention that you will be visiting Livets Ord to receive the same prices as on the website.
  • https://www.scandichotels.com/,
    • Gamla Uppsalagatan 50, near E4. Free parking
    • Phone: +46(0)8 517 517 00, Email: uppsala@scandichotels.com, Web: www.scandichotels.se
    • Booking is made through Scandic’s website www.scandichotels.se or by calling Scandic Central Booking at +46(0)8 517 517 00, press 1. Please provide booking code: BLIV220724
  • https://www.hotelapartments.se/boka-uppsala/
    • Palmbladsgatan 5, Free parking for a limited number of cars. Walking distance to Livets Ord.
    • Phone: +46(0)8-128 888 80, Email: uppsala@hotelapartments.se, Web: www.hotelapartments.se/boka-uppsala/
    • Booking is made through Uppsala Hotel Apartments website. Use promotional code: LIVETSORD. Booking link: https://www.hotelapartments.se/boka-uppsala/
  • AirBnb
    • In addition to the above accommodation options, there are many great places to stay on Airbnb. Follow the link below to find something that suits you!


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23. июля 2024
28. июля 2024
Livets Ord Uppsala Axel Johanssonsgata 3
Uppsala, Švedsko
Website: Посмотреть Место проведения сайт


Livets Ord, Uppsala, Švédsko
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