The Leadership Team

In our church we believe in teamwork. God speaks to individuals but he never told us to work alone. Success comes as a result of joint strength, where each member is in an irreplaceable place and is adequately rewarded. Henry Ford said: „Zbúrajte moje továrne, spáľte budovy, ale dajte mi späť mojich ľudí a ja to znova postavím“.

Allow me to introduce our Pastors and other members of our team.


Peter Čuřík (1971) is the Main Pastor of the church Word of Life in Bratislava, the leader of the network of Word of Life Churches in Slovakia and the Chief Editor of the magazine ´Victorious Life´. His teachings on youtube as well as his books ´Diamond in the Mud´ and ´The Five V´s of Victory´ have become a tool of inspiration for many Christians. He studied at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Bratislava as well as studying at Bible School and has a diploma in Pastoral Theology. His hobbies include football, tennis, chess and you can always invite him for a cup of coffee. He and his wife Katka have two sons Peter Jnr and Micheal. You can read about his journey to faith in the book ´Born Again!´


Martin Hunčár (1971) with his wife Daniela have two sons Samuel and Jakub. They live togetrher in Bratislava. He studied at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in Bratislava, as well as studying at Bible School and he also has a diploma in Pastoral Theology. He is the second pastor of the Word of Life Church in Bratislava and is the leader of the Word of Life Publishing House, is involved in Children´s Ministry and is the author of many books and Children´s dramas. His hobbies include running and chess. You can read about his journey to faith through this link



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